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typealias Callback<T> = (T) -> Unit
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object ChatErrorCodes

Error codes returned by chat room.

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class ChatException(    val message: String,     val code: Int,     val id: String,     val requestId: String?) : Exception
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class ChatRoom @JvmOverloads constructor(    regionOrUrl: String,     tokenProvider: (ChatTokenCallback) -> Unit,     maxReconnectAttempts: Int = 3,     val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString())

Represents IVS chat room connection.

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interface ChatRoomListener

Interface for delivering chat room lifecycle events as well as received messages and events.

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data class ChatToken(    val token: String,     val sessionExpirationTime: Date?,     val tokenExpirationTime: Date?)

Represents IVS chat token to be used to establish room connection. This should be fetched through your backend for security purposes from IVS Chat API.

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interface ChatTokenCallback

Callback interface used to pass the result of chat token request.

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Interface for reporting delete message request result.

Successful completion of the request is confirmed by receiving a delete message event with matching request id.

Failure of the request is confirmed by receiving a chat error with a matching request id.

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enum DisconnectReason : Enum<DisconnectReason>

Reason why room transitions to disconnected state.

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Interface for reporting disconnect user request result.

Successful completion of the request is confirmed by receiving a disconnect user event with matching request id.

Failure of the request is confirmed by receiving a chat error with a matching request id.

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interface RequestCallback<Request, Response>

Generic interface for reporting user request completion or rejection by the IVS service.

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typealias SendMessageCallback = RequestCallback<SendMessageRequest, ChatMessage>

Interface for reporting send message request result.

Successful completion of the request is confirmed by receiving a chat message with matching request id.

Failure of the request is confirmed by receiving a chat error with a matching request id.